Friday, November 20, 2015

What are the types of Wounds?

When your skin is broken or damaged due to any injury then wounds occur. There are a number of causes of injury like mechanical, electrical, Thermal or nuclear sources. The skin can be damaged depends upon the mechanism of injury. In these injuries Wound Care is very important.

·        Inflammation-It is the skin’s initial response to injury.

·        Superficial wounds- You need to leave the deeper skin layers intact. These types of wounds are generally caused by friction rubbing on surface.

·        Deep Abrasions-This type of wound go through layers of skin and into underlying tissue like Muscle or bone.

·        Puncture wounds-When sharp pointing edge objects are inserted into body then puncture wounds are formed. For example needle stick, stepping on a nail.

·        Human and Animal Bites-These type of wounds are combination of both Puncture and abrasions wounds.

·        Pressure sores-When there is chronic pressure is on body then pressure sores can develop due to lack of blood supply.

Proper Wound Care Management is necessary to prevent infection assure there are no other associated injuries and to promote healing of the skin. After wound healing you should apply good cosmetic product for proper management. Wound Care Australia created a range of wound care dressings that provide proved outcomes in all type of wounds. Excessive range of Dressing like Hydrocolloid Dressing, Foam Dressing is available at Medstock.

These entire above discussed concept is designed to present information on type of wounds. But apart from these wounds there are more number of wounds like gunshot, delving wounds and others.

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